We are fortunate to have such a high-caliber and unique beef available locally

“We first experienced Palouse River Premium Beef after Richard let us try some following a conversation we had in our business. We were blown away by the decadence of the hamburger, and the flavorful juiciness of the steaks. We had never experienced anything like it. It is uniquely rich and bursting with flavor. We had tried Wagyu in the past, but nothing like this. We were sold after our first experience.

We were invited to the ranch to meet the cattle, and were able to see first-hand the level of dedication and care put into raising quality beef. These cows receive a high level of attention with daily one-on-one interaction with the family. Richard is always striving to improve his beef and puts a great amount of care into the quality of the product he offers, which is evident after the first bite. We are fortunate to have such a high-caliber and unique beef available locally.”

- Janelle & Travis Harrison


We Moved the Ladies Out to Pasture


Meet a Cow Monday - Bruce