We Moved the Ladies Out to Pasture

After a long time feeding the herd at the barnyard it is always so rewarding to get the cows out to pasture and see all the ladies, their kids and a happy bull in a big field of green grass.

We have multiple pasture on the ranch that are a combination of wooded hillsides, meadows, and river flats like the one in this video. We separate each breeding group in their own pasture strategically depending on the size of the field, size of the breeding group as well as what separates different pastures. We strive to have the correct number of animals in the different pastures as not to over graze. We also need to maintain enough space or natural barriers between each breeding group so that bulls are not tempted to break into the next pen of girls. In our ranch we do this by making sure bulls are either on separate sides of the river valley or making sure that there is a empty meadow between the two pastures so that they can’t see each other and are tempted to make a unplanned trip to the neighbors.


Meet a Cow Monday - KW35


We are fortunate to have such a high-caliber and unique beef available locally